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Marine Life
Species encountered on this diveDive Log
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Start Time
Dive Duration
37 minutes
Tank pressure
Brian George
4 years ago
Went down with Simon, Beat and Kurt, went straight down to 50m with Beat and Kurt below - they started pointing, and sure enough saw three shapes in the gloom below. Moved quickly down to 60+m and there they were - three nice Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks. Watched the back two and then looked over my left shoulder. The first one had circled back and was coming straight at me - a really beautiful creature - 2m+ and very deep in the chest, about 5m away. Saw the hammer with the eye watching me very clearly! Kept watching and moved a little deeper. One turned back the way he had come and came close. Real, electric excitement of the first order. Blew air away and had to leave after 6-7 minutes. Went up steadily and saw a small Whitetip Reef Shark at 34m and a Potato Cod at about 24m. Computer went into deco mode but gassed off at 9m and 6m. This was a really good dive - one of the best!