Alternative names: Sweetlips, Oriental Sweetlip, Indian Ocean Oriental Sweetlips, Oriental Dogfish, Oriental Grunt
Oriental sweetlips are a species of grunt native to the Indo-West Pacific region.
Like all grunts, they emit grunting sound, by grinding their teeth together.
Adults can be recongnized by the horizontal black and white stripes on the body, the spotted black and yellow fins (except for the pelvic fins, which are plain yellow), and the big rubbery lips. Juveniles can be found in shallow lagoons and have a bloched pattern on the entire body.
Sweetlips are usually found alone or in groups, hovering over the reef during the day, and hunting for other fish and benthic crustaceans during the night.
They are commonly sold for home aquariumsas juveniles, altough they can grow up to 72 cm (28 in).