Sharm Rocks, also known as “Three Rocks Pinnacles” or “Three Sisters,” is a dive site located south of Meridian Fujairah and it consists of three pinnacles the rise above the surface of the water. There’s also a fourth pinnacle further from the others, but that one is reserved for more experienced divers.
The pinnacles are covered with soft coral and are visited by a multitude of fish such as fusiliers, jacks, snappers, large-mouth mackerel, bannerfish, lionfish, jawfish, boxfish. Also abundant in this area are cuttlefish, squid, moray eels.
Black-tip reef sharks, sea turtles, stingrays, and even whale sharks may be spotted on occasion.
Depth: 15 meters/50 feet
Visibility: 5 – 15 meters/15 – 50 feet
Current: None to medium
Level: All divers
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