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Galve Lake

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Eng: The lake is located in the south-east of Lithuania. The lake area is 3.6 km², length - 3.2 km, maximum width - 1.75 km. On the south coast is located Trakai Castle - the largest of the old castles in Lithuania. There are 21 islands on the lake. In the Russian-speaking sources Galve is referred to as the Lake of Trok or Brazhol. In Polish, the name “Lake of Troksie” (“Jezioro Trockie”) has traditionally been fixed. The transparency of the water is from 4 to 10 m. An interesting feature: in this lake the transparency of the upper water layer is higher than that of the lower one.

There are underwater attractions such as a sculpture park, bathyscaphe, sculpture of the Virgin Mary, etc.


Type of dive: diver training, diving courses, technical diving, deep diving, navigation

Depth: 13-47 meters

Certification level required: starting with a test dive

Visibility: 4-10 meters

Current: no

Access: shore, boat

Temperature: in summer to a thermocline at a depth of 10-12 meters - 18-21⁰ С (below 4-8⁰ С), in winter 2-4 ⁰ С.

Flora and fauna: mollusks, pike, perch, eel

Best time of year: All year (in winter and for deep dives in the summer, a dry suit is strongly recommended)

Lt:Ežeras yra pietryčiuose Lietuvos. Ežero plotas yra 3,6 km², ilgis - 3,2 km, didžiausias plotis - 1,75 km. Pietinėje pakrantėje yra Trakų pilis - didžiausia senųjų pilių Lietuvoje. Ežere yra 21 sala. Rusų kalbos šaltiniuose Galve vadinama Trokio ežeru arba Brazholiu. Lenkijoje tradiciškai buvo nustatytas pavadinimas "troškimo ežeras" ("Jezioro Trockie"). Vandens skaidrumas yra nuo 4 iki 10 m. Įdomus bruožas: šiame ežere viršutinio vandens sluoksnio skaidrumas yra didesnis nei apatinio.

Yra povandeninės pramogos, tokios kaip skulptūrų parkas, batiniskapė, Mergelės Marijos skulptūra ir tt


Nardymo būdas: nardytojų treniravimas, nardymo kursai, techninis nardymas, giluminis nardymas, navigacija,pazintiniai nerimai.

Gylis: iki 47 metru

Būtinas sertifikavimo lygis: tinka visi sertifikatai.zmones kurie neria pirma karta.

Matomumas: 2-7 metrų

Dabartinis: ne

Prieiga: krantas, valtis

Temperatūra: vasarą iki termoelemento 10-12 metrų gylyje - 18-21⁰ С (žemiau 4-8 С), žiemos 2-4 ⁰ C.

Flora ir fauna: lydekos, ešeriai, ungurys.

Geriausias metų laikas: visus metus (žiemą ir gilus nardymas rekomenduojamas sausas kostiumas)


Озеро расположено на юго-востоке Литвы. Площадь озера составляет 3,6 км², длина — 3,2 км, максимальная ширина — 1,75 км. На южном побережье расположен Тракайский замок — самый большой из сохранившихся в Литве старинных замков. Всего на озере 21 остров. В русскоязычных источников Гальве упоминается как Трокское озеро или Бражола. В польском языке традиционно закрепилось название «Трокское озеро» («Jezioro Trockie»). Прозрачность воды составляет от 4 до 10 м. Интересная особенность: в этом озере прозрачность верхнего слоя воды выше, чем у нижнего.

Имеются подводные достопримечательности такие как: парк скульптур, батискаф, скульптура Девы Марии и тд


Тип дайвинга: тренеровка, прохождение курсов, технический дайвинг, глубокие погружения, навигация

Глубина: 13-47 метров

Рекомендуемая сертификация: начиная с пробного погружения

Видимость: 4-10 метров

Течение: отсутствует

Доступ: с берега, с бота

Температура: в летний период до термоклина на глубине 10-12 метров - 18-21⁰ С (ниже 4-8 ⁰ С), в зимний период 2-4 ⁰ С.

Животный мир: молюски, щука, окунь, угорь

Лучшее время для погружения: Круглый год (в зимний период и для глубоких погружений в летний период строго рекомендуется сухой костюм)

Dive site info provided by Trakai Divers Gang on oct 30, 2018
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Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 1 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on jul 5, 2019 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018 Picture taken at Galve Lake. Uploaded by Alexey on oct 8, 2018

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