D'Lagoon, also known as Teluk Kerma, lies off a promontory of Kecil island. It is often used as a training site for novice divers, since its depth reaches no more than 12 meters/40 feet. Visibility is good, around 15 meters/50 feet.
It features a superb coral garden where you can admire species such as brain, star, table, leaf, lobe, finger, walnut, and column corals. The reef has nooks and crannies, and even some miniature caves full of marine creatures. There are also some interesting rock formations that look like chairs and even doughnuts.
Fish life includes cleaner wrasses, snappers, barracudas, pipefish, pufferfish, anemonefish, angelfish, soldierfish, parrotfish, sharp-toothed titan triggerfish, big-eyed copper sweepers, butterflyfish, and more. You can also see Hawksbill turtles, blue-spotted rays, shrimps, crabs, and even some blacktip reef sharks if you’re lucky.
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