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Cow And Calf

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Cow and Calf is a popular dive site among both snorkelers and divers. The name comes from their appearance – they look like a whale and its calf. Located off the southeast coast of St. Thomas Island, it consists of two large rocks that peak above the surface, canyons, caves, and dramatic ledges.

The site is only 12 meters/40 feet deep, and visibility is outstanding (over 40 meters/130 feet). There may be some current at times.

Dive site info provided by Corinne on sept. 3, 2021
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Arnaud Ruiz's Avatar

Arnaud Ruiz

févr. 2, 2024
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Jacob Ralston

avr. 26, 2023
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Justin Ord

déc. 6, 2022
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Chris Peek

oct. 5, 2021
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Cow and Calf Rocks are two outcroppings on the south side of St. Thomas that are so named because rum-soaked whalers would mistake the rocks as being a whale cow and her calf and would hurl their harpoons at the &... Cow and Calf Rocks are two outcroppings on the south side of St. Thomas that are so named because rum-soaked whalers would mistake the rocks as being a whale cow and her calf and would hurl their harpoons at the "creatures." Calf is the smaller rock and boasts many large and beautiful fish in its ledges. Cow is the larger and know for the swim through maze that includes the champagne cork which, with a little wind and wave action, will launch the diver up through the hole. Take a light to better see the lobster and glassy slipper fish that live in the holes as well as the magnificent colored coral. Both sites have a maximum depth of 40 feet.

Griff Rausch

juin 26, 2019
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