Holiday Bonaira Nitrox 32% Salt Pier is situated close to the salt pier and is one of Bonaire's finest dive siters. Large schools of fish, such as barracudas and tarpons, gather under the platform. Salt Pier is also a nice dive site for photographers, the prettiest macro and wide-angle shots are made at Salt Pier. Particulars Enter the water from the shore. The pier attracts many species of fish. They’re lurking beneath the platforms. Pelicans are frequent visitors of Salt Pier. You'll spot them both above and under water. Finish your dive on the way back in the shallows, where you'll often see turtles feasting on the short, brown sea grass. Warnings Be aware! Diving is only allowed if there is no boat at the pier. Ask for permission at the guard house (yellow shack) under the pier, just to be sure.