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Located @ about 65ft its one of the most prominent features at la Jolla shores. Its located on the east wall which is a small wall ranging from about 15tf to 2 ft where visibility is usually in the 10-15 ft range but I've seen 0 to 30ish. Its located almost 200 yards straight out from vallecitos St. Drop down in about 30ft and head west until you hit the wall. If you ended up deeper than about 70ft then you went too far. Turn back toward shore (east) until you find the wall. Depending on where you land the point will either be north or south. Pick a direction and hopefully you'll hit it, if not then just check out the wall. Most people turn back toward shore at about half a tank for a slow ascent along the sand.
Surface temps range from 60F-75F and below about 60 ft its usually about 52-56F.