propeller of a U.S. SBD-5 Dauntless dive bomber

Long-lost WWII Aircraft Discovered in Chuuk Lagoon

More than 70 years have passed since World War II ended, but aircraft and warship remains are still being discovered in various parts of the world. Recently, the group Project Recover announced the discovery and identification of wreckage belonging to three U.S. aircraft lost during the 1944 Operation Hailstone, which took place on Truk Lagoon, now known as Chuuk Lagoon.

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cayman island diving

Caribbean’s Leading Dive Destination of 2020

Earlier this year, the World Travel Awards made the first stop of their annual Grand Tour in The Bahamas, where key sectors of the travel, tourism, and hospitality industries in the Caribbean region were rewarded for their accomplishments. The votes are in and we now know what’s the hottest place to dive in the Caribbean in 2020. Unsurprisingly for many well-traveled divers, the Cayman Islands have been yet again recognized as the Caribbean’s Leading Dive Destination at the first regional gala ceremony, which took place at the end of January in Nassau.

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The Mammalian Diving Reflex in Humans

The mammalian diving reflex, or diving response, is a set of evolutionary adaptations that date back to billions of years ago when all life was aquatic. All mammals have the reflex to preferentially divert oxygen supplies to the heart and the brain during submersion. The diving response is very strong in water mammals, such as whales and seals, and it is the physiological adaptation that allows them to dive for food to great depths between surface breaths. 

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cave diver

6 Most Dangerous Cave Dives in the World

Cave diving is considered one of world’s most dangerous sports. Divers must undergo extensive training to receive their cave diving certification due to the inherent challenges that come with diving in an overhead environment. Always looking to push their limits, cave divers often find themselves in risky situations. Even with today’s modern equipment and technology, dozens of people die each year in the dark chambers and passages of underwater caves. Below are some of the most dangerous cave dives on Earth, from which many have failed to return.

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sustainable diving

Sustainable Diving and 8 Ways You Can Make a Change

Scuba diving and snorkeling are popular holiday activities in most parts of the world. As an important tourism market, the scuba diving industry generates billions of dollars yearly. Millions of certifications are issued globally every year, but while the industry is thriving, can the same be said about the overstressed ecosystems? The fragile marine ecosystems are at risk as the ecological pressure on the environment increases. Luckily, there are a few things both divers and dive operators can do to protect the environment, which is to practice and promote sustainable diving.

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diving gas mixes

The 6 Most Used Diving Gas Mixes

The most common of the breathing gases is compressed air (filtered and dehumidified), which is a mixture of 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 1% other trace gases. Since it falls within the limits of recreational diving, unlike specialized mixtures, it does not require additional training. However, once you reach a certain level of experience and confidence, you may want to dive into the world of diving gas mixes. And here’s why.

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hyperbaric chamber

Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment for Scuba Divers

A hyperbaric chamber, also known as a decompression or recompression chamber, is a sealed chamber in which a patient breathes oxygen at pressures far greater than the normal atmospheric pressure. A hyperbaric chamber is commonly used to treat decompression illness, a condition that may occur when a diver ascends too quickly and, as a result, suffers damages from insufficient pressure compensation. But how does it work?

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old gentleman of raahe, oldest surviving diving suit in the world

The Old Gentleman of Raahe, the Oldest-known Surviving Diving Suit in the World

Resembling a nightmarish creature, or a mummified Patrick Star, the Old Gentleman of Raahe is, in fact, the oldest surviving diving suit in the world. While its origin is not entirely known, the suit appears to be dating back to 18th century Finland. This valuable rarity is the best-known exhibition piece owned by Raahe Museum, the oldest local history and culture museum in Finland, established in 1862.

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liveaboard diving

What You Need to Know about Liveaboard Diving

Many scuba divers are now familiar with liveaboard diving. But if you’re a new diver or one that is used to diving rather close to the mainland, you probably never considered booking your place on a “floating hotel”. However, liveaboards can provide you with the ultimate scuba diving experience, as you’ll be able to reach remote locations on the globe which you otherwise couldn’t set your fin in. Here’s what you need to know about liveaboards and their advantages over regular dive boats. 

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mola mola, sunfish

4 Places Where You Can Dive with Mola Mola (Oceanic Sunfish)

The Mola mola, or oceanic sunfish, is not only the world’s heaviest bony fish but it also lays more eggs than any other animal on the planet. Sadly, it also holds an unofficial record of being one of the unsightliest fish out there. But luckily for them, scuba divers have always been big fans of the weirdos of the seas. Here are the best destinations where to dive with Mola mola, one of the most elusive species of fish in the world.

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