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Marine Life

Twin Sister Wrecks

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Two small tankers donated by Shell to be used as artificial reefs in 2000. As you descend into the water, the dark mass of the wrecks appears and their contours become clearer as you approach. The first wreck lies 13 m deep and the second wreck is 30 m deep. Preferably start by exploring the deeper of the two sister ships. Large holes have been drilled in the decks of the wrecks so that divers can see or access the holds.

You get a very nice view of the sun rays penetrating through the crevices of the boat. Inside the wreck, you can see shrimps and arrowhead crabs and on the deck, small blennies are the object of all the photographers' attention. Ropes serving as handrails connect the wrecks between which you observe brain coral and schools of yellow grunts. To see the mast and the wheelhouse. Close to the wrecks, juvenile reef sharks marauding in the middle of schools of batfish and groupers with sometimes a hammerhead shark.

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Bretta Penney

сент. 18, 2023
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Аватар Gordon Galloway's

Gordon Galloway

мар. 25, 2023
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Janet Hardie

янв. 28, 2023
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Peter Joseph Chovancak

янв. 23, 2023
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