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Marine Life

El Penon

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El Penon is a dive site located about 25 minutes by boat from Bayahibe. This is considered the richest area in terms of fish life in the East National Park (Parque Nacional del Este).

There are many fish (including pufferfish, trunkfish, angelfish, parrotfish), morays, corals, stingrays, lobsters, crabs, seahorses, sea turtles, and even nurse sharks and hammerheads to see here.

Because not many boats travel to this area, the reef is healthier than in other regions.

The reef is divided into three parts, and the maximum depth is 28 meters/91 feet. Divers of all levels can enjoy the beauty of El Penon within the depth limit of their certification. Snorkeling is also possible.

Информация о дайв-сайте предоставлена Fabiola G на нояб. 27, 2020
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Jiri Dvorak

мар. 5, 2018
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