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Santa Rosa Wall

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Santa Rosa Wall is one of the most popular dive sites in Cozumel. It has a depth between 15 and 36 meters, and its strong currents make for an excellent drift dive while catering to divers of at least intermediate level.

The coral here is mostly rocky, but there are also numerous sponges and gorgonians. The rocky outcrops in this dive site have heights from 9 to 12 meters.

There are also lots of areas which have sandy bottom, and there are also overhangs which add to the excitement of this dive site.

The marine life here comprises French grunts, groupers, snappers, angelfish, filefish, eagle rays, drumfish, spiny lobsters, cowfish, parrotfish, turtles, as well as the splendid toadfish,

The water temperature ranges from 23 degrees to 27 degrees Centigrade, which is typical for Cozumel.

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Avatar de Alejandro Corvetto's

Alejandro Corvetto

mar. 25, 2017
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Avatar de José Cabral's

José Cabral

abr. 6, 2001
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