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Marine Life
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Old Fort

Punto de inmersión en

This drift dive site is located south-east of Carlisle Bay. Old Fort is a shallow barrier reef teeming with juvenile fish. You’ll see clusters of sponges, anemones, squirrelfish, spotted drums, barracudas, and shrimps. You may also spot some cannonballs and antique bottles here.

Old Fort has a depth of 10 to 27 meters/30-90 feet and can be explored by all divers within their certification limits. Visibility is not the greatest.

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1 Encuentros registrados
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1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados

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Avatar de Jess Zhang's

Jess Zhang

dic. 9, 2020
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Avatar de Jess Zhang's

Jess Zhang

dic. 4, 2020
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