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Neptune'S Tables

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Neptune's Tables is a truly beautiful and interesting dive site. With an average depth of 25 meters, a maximum depth of 40 meters and beautiful corals which can be found as shallow as 12 - 15 meters, Neptune's Tables is a really interesting dive site for all levels of divers.

Neptune's Tables received its name due to the table-shaped old, large stone corals which can be found here.

Overall there is a good visibility here, which allows divers to observe numerous interesting species such as the Acropora corals, among the many types of soft and hard corals which inhabit this dive site, nudibranchs, stingrays, garden eels, seastars and manta rays.

The alternative name of Neptune's Tables is Veronica's Reef.

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Arky Che

feb 23, 2020
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Ilan Ben Tov

mar 18, 2018
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