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Marine Life
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Han's Reef has a depth between 5 and 22 meters and it is suitable for all kinds of divers, from beginners to advanced. It is best done as a drift dive.

There are areas with sandy bottom close to the reef, which make them great for courses.

Han's Reef has a gentle slope which leads to seagrass and barrel sponges, which shelter cuttlefish, turtles, blue-spotted stingrays, squids, crabs, anemonefish, octopus, scorpionfish, sea slugs, moray eels, frogfish, seahorses, nudibranchs and pipefish.

It has a great visibility.

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Especies encontradas por los buceadores
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados

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Stuart saggers

oct 25, 2022
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Avatar de Kuba Kozak's

Kuba Kozak

sept 30, 2019
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Avatar de OuzoNico's


ago 31, 2010
Marine Life 7 image

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