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Marine Life
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Colosseum is a dive site located on the west side of Thulusdhoo Island. The reef is C-shaped, hence the name, and features a shallow part and a steep drop off where you can spot pelagic fish.

Marine life is rich in species like eagle rays, reef sharks, moray eels, sea turtles, barracudas, blue fin jacks, dogtooth tuna, rainbow runners, groupers, soapfish, Indian bannerfish, longnose hawkfish, bird wrasse, Napoleon wrasse, bullet tuna, scrawled filefish, and more.

Colosseum has a depth of 4 to 30 meters/13 to 100 feet and is suitable for divers of all levels.

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Vida marina

Especies encontradas por los buceadores
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados

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Avatar de Hamid Haleem's

Hamid Haleem

sept 24, 2020
Marine Life image

GertJan van Weert

may 31, 2018
Marine Life 8 image

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