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Marine Life
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Beaver Harbour First Cove

Punto de inmersión en

Vida marina

Especies encontradas por los buceadores
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados

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Avatar de Alexander Yeadon's

Alexander Yeadon

jun 26, 2018
Marine Life 9 image
A word of caution, while the rocks in the area are a lovely and vivid pink color they have a massive impact on your compass, so I would recommend finding someone who had been in that area for your first time. Once ... A word of caution, while the rocks in the area are a lovely and vivid pink color they have a massive impact on your compass, so I would recommend finding someone who had been in that area for your first time. Once you get down past the pink rocks around 35 feet you hit the scallop beds. If you prefer just to sight see then the rock wall to the left of the cove is always worth it too.

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