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Duración de la inmersión
1 hour and 2 minutes
Presión del tanque
Another short ride out on the boat - dive guide Michel - a French guy who clearly lovesthe sea and his job. Water colder at 22C. Bottom of sand, rocks and gullies. Almost immediately came across two schools of Yellowmouth Barracuda, 100+ in each school. Schools of Salema Bream - lovely, and also some Two-Banded Bream. Over gullies, sea grass to a canyon - a Goldblotch Grouper, then a cave with at least 5 huge Wrechfish in side - very impressive. Turned back towards the boat, under it and then a few metres into another cave. Used my torch to illuminate a really big Conger Eel well hidden at the back of a low cavern and in deep. Impressive. OPut of the cave - a lovely view with the sun above. Great dive. New suit good, vest a great help too. Also watch striped Red Mullet digging away.