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Marine Life

Wreck Of The Taiyo

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мар. 22, 2017
Marine Life image 4
This wreck is sitting on it's stern, perfectly upright, with it's bow pointing toward the sky and about 5 metres below the surface. After we located the wreck, my buddy, Jimmy free dove to tie our yacht ... This wreck is sitting on it's stern, perfectly upright, with it's bow pointing toward the sky and about 5 metres below the surface. After we located the wreck, my buddy, Jimmy free dove to tie our yacht up to the tip of the wreck. The supply vessel, Taiyo was trying to get through the long strip of thin islands and reef which rings much of New Georgia Island, and into the lagoon behind to deliver a load to Seghe. Unfortunately the captain picked the wrong gap and went aground on the reef. The ship, which is about 40 metres in length, slipped backwards down the drop off, but lodged itself on a shelf, pointing directly skywards in this odd position. The wreck is intact and in good condition with some soft corals growing on it. You can very easily swim into the wheelhouse and upper cabins. A really interesting dive!

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