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Marine Life

The Smalls

Место погружения в

Морская жизнь

Виды, встреченные дайверами
1 Зарегистрированные встречи

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Аватар Mark Gosling's

Mark Gosling

июл. 8, 2018
Marine Life 1 image
The site is a long way offshore so benefits from clearer water. Often lots of seals in the water with their usual tugging of fins and playful nature. The remains of quite a few wrecks can also be found around this ... The site is a long way offshore so benefits from clearer water. Often lots of seals in the water with their usual tugging of fins and playful nature. The remains of quite a few wrecks can also be found around this very small rocky outcrop.

Kasra Almasian

июл. 8, 2018
Marine Life image 1

Scott Jones

мая 9, 2015
Marine Life image

Scott Jones

мая 9, 2015
Marine Life image

Для этого места погружения не было добавлено описание.
