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Marine Life

Tanikely West

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Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018 Фотография сделана на #{сайт}. Uploaded by MKE on июн. 1, 2018

Морская жизнь

Виды, встреченные дайверами
1 Зарегистрированные встречи
1 Зарегистрированные встречи

Последние погружения

Комментарии, фотографии и виды
Аватар MKE's


мая 14, 2018
Marine Life image 8


мая 14, 2018
Marine Life 2 image
Аватар Roberto Simeoni's

Roberto Simeoni

мар. 14, 2012
Marine Life image
THE MAZE Dive reserved for experts with a maximum depth of over 40 meters. From the madreporic plateau, at a depth of 24 meters, you dive into the wall at a first level at 32 meters, where 5 coral conformations ... THE MAZE Dive reserved for experts with a maximum depth of over 40 meters. From the madreporic plateau, at a depth of 24 meters, you dive into the wall at a first level at 32 meters, where 5 coral conformations laden with large gorgonians create a sort of enchanted forest. A short episode at greater depth shows, in its mysterious complexity, a labyrinth of gorgonian branches with cyclopean dimensions, resting on a sandy bottom populated by leopard sharks and grouper of seabed, not disdained by the random passage of gray sharks and white fin. Possible sightings of whale sharks even out of season, make the already rich picture of this little submerged jewel unique. On the way up from the wall, a white alcyonarium more than a meter high cannot miss among the trophies of the photosubs. End of dive on a plateau located about 12 meters deep bordered by an expanse of white sand not without surprises.

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