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Marine Life

Soto'S Reef

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Soto's Reef (sometimes referred to as Cheeseburger Reef) is the shore based reef site at The Lobster Pot Dive Center (formally Bob Soto's, making this one of the world's first and oldest recreational dive sites).

Home to more tarpon than you could imagine, this shallow site is teaming with schooling reef fish, lobster, the odd turtle or stingray and more!

With a maximum depth of 40ft, divers can spend a long time exploring the plentiful swim throughs and caves dotted around Soto's Reef. Calms waters and a lack of current make this the perfect dive site to relax and enjoy being underwater.

Информация о дайв-сайте предоставлена Lobster Pot Dive Center на сент. 9, 2018
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