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Marine Life

Sharm El Arab

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Sharm El Arab is a dive site located just 15 minutes from Makadi Bay in Hurghada, Egypt. It features a beautiful wall filled with colorful corals. The dive goes along the wall and ends in a plateau at 18-28 meters (60-92 feet) where divers will find huge table corals.

Marine life is typical to the Red Sea and includes barracudas, sea turtles, doctorfish tangs, and – with a bit of luck – even dolphins.

The maximum depth at the Sharm El Arab dive site is 25 meters (82 feet).

Информация о дайв-сайте предоставлена Karen James на июл. 3, 2020
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Graham D Midgley

апр. 14, 2017
Marine Life image
This dive completed my 18m deep dive for the Open Water Course

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