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Marine Life


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Shangri-La is another dive spot in Playa del Carmen that perfectly caters to novice divers, as it is very flat, has a depth between 6 meters and 10 meters and it has extremely little current.

Shangri-La has a small reef edge which turns into a gorgeous and lush coral garden that shelters a diversified selection of marine life. Among the species which can be found here are sea fans, gorgonians and coral bommies, soft and hard corals, which house crustaceans like lobsters and crabs, butterflyfish, snappers, grunts, groupers, sometimes parrotfish.

The shallow depth of Shangri-La makes it the ideal playground for underwater photography, and a pleasant water temperature between 24 and 27 degrees Centigrades makes for a great overall dive.

Информация о дайв-сайте предоставлена Shawn Stuart Peterson на февр. 6, 2019
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Виды, встреченные дайверами
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Аватар Pamela Riquelme's

Pamela Riquelme

мая 23, 2021
Marine Life 3 image
Аватар Greg Pimlott's

Greg Pimlott

июл. 13, 2018
Marine Life image


апр. 22, 2013
Marine Life image
Аватар Dani Torres's

Dani Torres

авг. 4, 2005
Marine Life image

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