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Marine Life

Shaab Iris

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Shaab Iris dive site is part of the Shaab Abu Nugar reef in the northern part of Hurghada. The main attractions here are the stunning coral formations. Around them, you can find a coral garden with numerous table corals and hard corals.

Marine life includes barracudas, lionfish, stonefish, scorpionfish, nudibranchs, eagle rays, blue-spotted stingrays, pufferfish, and more. Dolphins have been spotted here as well.

Depth at Shaab Iris ranges from 9 to 16 meters (30-52 feet), which makes it accessible to divers of all levels.

Информация о дайв-сайте предоставлена Fitz K на авг. 24, 2020
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Аватар Joy Kim's

Joy Kim

апр. 16, 2022
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окт. 15, 2019
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Аватар Giancarlo Moro's

Giancarlo Moro

окт. 10, 2019
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