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Marine Life


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Sental is a drift dive site located on Nusa Penida’s north coast. It is a deep slope covered in a variety of hard corals.

Between July and September, this is a great spot for seeing Mola molas. Other marine creatures you can encounter here include blacktip sharks, whitetip sharks, barracudas, scorpionfish, lionfish, moray eels, sea turtles, crabs, and different critters such as nudibranchs.

The average depth at Sental is 30 meters/100 feet, which is why it’s recommended for advanced divers. Currents are low and visibility is typically good. 

Информация о дайв-сайте предоставлена Carolina Esteban на окт. 22, 2020
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Marie Hofmann

сент. 5, 2022
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Аватар Arky Che's

Arky Che

окт. 10, 2018
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