Oil Slick Leap is the house reef of Caribbean Club Bonaire. This beautiful dive site features snappers, barracudas, parrotfish, seahorses, and other wonderful marine creatures. This is a shore dive and you can enter the water by using a ladder or jump from a rocky outcrop. Be careful not to walk without booties because the limestone’s plateau sharp edges can hurt your feet.
The depth of the Oil Slick Leap dive site ranges from 6 to 25 meters (20-82 feet) and is also accessible to snorkelers. The bottom slopes gradually and then abruptly descents into the blue. Visibility ranges from 10 to 30 meters (33-98 feet), but it is usually very good. Suitable for beginners and advanced divers alike.
The official diving season in Bonaire runs from December through April, but you can dive here year-round. There are typically light daily showers from November through January and windy days from May through August.
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