The Nang Yuan Pinnacle dive site is situated between Koh Nang Yuan and Koh Tao islands. The spot consists in a large pinnacle with a few swim-throughs at a depth of about 12 meters and several small caves worth exploring.
On its eastern side, the pinnacle drops down from the surface to a depth of about 21 meters. Down the rock at a depth of about 15 meters there's a big crevice that's home to pink whiprays, Jenkins' whipray, coral trout, six banded angelfish, and soldierfish.
On its western side, after swimming across a small canyon, there's a cave where you can find cowries, sweetlip emperors, and nudibranches. Light enters the cave through small crevices, creating a surreal atmosphere.
The Nang Yuan Pinnacle dive spot is suitable for all levels of experience and can be dived all year round. The current is limited and the visibility is 10 to 30 meters.
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