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Marine Life

Five Rocks

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Distance: 40 minutes

Very beautiful reef with strong coral growth, top reef is at about 14 m, Characteristic are the numerous overhangs and caves from 10 m to 30 m and more. At the impressive breakthroughs and small canals are yellow and pink soft corals (this is a peculiarity of this reef, in addition to the otherwise impressive scenery) and many large gorgonian colonies. The strong fish wealth is characterized by large singles of old Barakudas, Napoleon, eagle rays, turtles on the reef top and the 5 beautiful blocks that gave the reef its name. A must dive in Maldives. 

Current: low - medium

Depth: 12 – 30 m

Difficulty: Easy – medium - difficult

Информация о дайв-сайте предоставлена Dive Point Maldives, Kuda Rah на апр. 10, 2019
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