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Marine Life

Billinghurst Cave

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Billinghurst Cave can seem at first glance like a dive site without too much interesting stuff going on, but it is definitely worth the exploration. There are gorgeous games of light at the entrance of the cave, which can make for great underwater photographs.

The ceiling of Billinghurst Cave rises at 5 meters above the water surface, and the deepest point here is at around 30 meters below the water surface.

The cave has a length of 50 meters.

Divers can observe at Billinghurst Cave red sponges and various other species of corals, as well as numerous colourful fish.

Информация о дайв-сайте предоставлена Thomas Jackson на мая 21, 2019
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мая 26, 2021
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Mark Gosling

июн. 18, 2011
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