DREISCHOR GEMAAL Easy dive site Dreischor Gemaal, or mill, is a well-known dive spot. Part of the mill rises above the surface, but it's the part under water that's interesting. Observe the mill pipes and all their inhabitants, with rays of sunlight shining through the water. To the east of the mill old dike remnants, covered with plumose anemones, provide shelter to marine life like sea bullheads, butterfish, crabs, lobsters and shrimps. Particulars Enter the water by slowly descending the dike, making use of the rope. Now swim towards the tall vertical pillars of the mill. You can also walk along the water from entry 1 to entry 2 to enter more close to the mill. Don't forget to take a look at the underside of the horizontal pipes, as well. The mill is still in use, it pumps excess rain water from Dreischor into Lake Grevelingen. Check from shore if the mill is in operation. Warnings Dreischor Gemaal may be crowded in the weekends, come early. Watch out, entry may be slippery. Mill increases visibility while in operation.