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The USS Ulysses was a 70-meter-long steamship that made its last journey in 1887. While coming from the Suez Canal, the ship hit the reef off the northern coast of the Small Gubal Island and could not be salvaged.

The remains of the wreck lie at depths between 8 and 30 meters. The structure is covered with hard and soft corals and is home to different species of fish like sergeant majors, anthias, butterflyfish, scorpionfish, pufferfish, stonefish, boxfish, and is sometimes visited by dolphins too.

Strong currents might be present in this area. The Ulysses is recommended for advanced divers.

Informações do site de mergulho fornecidas por em dez. 15, 2021
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jul. 30, 2015
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Adorján Marton

abr. 11, 2010
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