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Ras Katy

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Ras Katy is an interesting dive site rich in marine life. The dive begins at 5 meters on the sandy plateau that houses stingrays and crocodile fish.

The highlights of the dive are the several pinnacles covered with gorgonian sea fans and corals and visited by a multitude of reef fish.

Diving is possible year-long, with the water temperature ranging from 22° to 28°C/76° to 82° F. Ras Katy is suitable for all divers thanks to the maximum depth of 20 meters/60 feet and low current.

Informações do site de mergulho fornecidas por em out. 28, 2021
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Andrey Karakashev

abr. 27, 2003
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Ron Scholte's Avatar

Ron Scholte

set. 14, 2001
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Anes Giancarlo's Avatar

Anes Giancarlo

set. 9, 1999
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