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Hidden Reef

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Hidden Reef is a superb dive site featuring lots of soft and hard corals. The spot is located east of Gili Meno and has a north to south current that ensures great drift diving.

The dive starts at about 21 meters (39 feet) and goes down to a maximum of 35 meters (115 feet). Despite this, Hidden Reef is suitable for divers of all levels within their certification limits.

Marine life is abundant and includes stingrays, clownfish, pipefish, angelfish, and triggerfish, among other species.

With water temperatures of about water temperatures of 27-29° C/81-84° F throughout the yea feet, the Gili Meno region can be dived year-round.

Informações do site de mergulho fornecidas por Tao W em jul. 29, 2020
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