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Gordon Rocks

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Gordon Rock is one of the best dive sites in the Galapagos Islands. Each dive offers the chance to spot some amazing marine creatures – from the black coral gardens to various species of sharks and other big pelagic creatures.

The site is actually an eroded crater, what remained of an ancient volcano crater. It features three pinnacles that form a large semi-circle, and in the middle of that crater lies another pinnacle visited by an abundance of marine life.

Depth ranges from 5 to 40 meters/16-130 feet, but most of the marine animals can be seen around 18-25 meters/60-82 feet. Some of the common marine life encounters here include schooling hammerheads, Galapagos sharks, whitetip sharks, blacktip sharks, eagle rays, mobula rays, barracudas, sea turtles, and lots of reef fish and invertebrates of all kinds.

You can dive at Gordon Rock dive site all year round. The warm season runs from December to March while the cool season lasts from April to November.

This dive is usually done as a drift dive.

Informações do site de mergulho fornecidas por Randy James em mar. 5, 2021
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abr. 26, 2015
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Clear water. Lots of reef sharks. One Hammerhead down below.

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