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Marine Life
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Eastern Rocks

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Vida Marinha

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1 Encontros registados
1 Encontros registados

Mergulhos Mais Recentes

Comentários, fotos e espécies

Bob Foudriat

jul. 15, 2017
Marine Life 3 image 3
Lots of sleeping seal in the rocks. You surprise them, and they you, when you come across them. Ran into some really large lobsters on cathedral ledges. Really nice dive. Look for Ren Alexanders GoPro in this area. ... Lots of sleeping seal in the rocks. You surprise them, and they you, when you come across them. Ran into some really large lobsters on cathedral ledges. Really nice dive. Look for Ren Alexanders GoPro in this area. Let me know if you find it. I'll get it back to her. Otherwise we'll look for it in 2018.

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