For divers wishing to continue their dive training, we teach PADI scuba diving classes, including Open Water through Divemaster, and speciality courses featuring Northwest diving.
For 2019, Seattle Dive Tours is donating $5 of every guided tour and class to 5 organizations. These are:
Highline MAST Aquarium at Redondo - sponsoring summer camps for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders to learn about our ocean.
Fins Attached - Conducting research, promoting conservation, and providing education for the protection of the marine ecosystem.
Patriots For Disabled Divers - Funding quality scuba training for disabled veterans and others with disabilities throughout the United States.
Tukwila Pool - offering a number of scholarships to assist children to attain swim lessons.
Project AWARE- Ocean Conservation
Please support us in these efforts by booking a tour or class, telling your friends about us and supporting these organizations.