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Living Underwater - Private Dives

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Living Underwater takes pride in providing divers with outstanding customer service, a personalized, fun and safe Cozumel diving experience.
Originally from Minnesota, Jeremy first visited Cozumel in 1994. After his first visit and first dive on Cozumel’s reefs, Jeremy knew that this is where he wanted to be. In 2000, Jeremy moved to Cozumel. His career with Living Underwater began as a divemaster. In 2004 he took over the dive operation.
Living Underwater offer pier pick-up at most locations south of town, personalized service and undivided attention, 6–8 divers on fast, canopied boats, low-pressure, steel 95 and 120 cu. ft. tanks — more air for longer bottom times and less weight, as well as an ideal situation for advanced diving at Cozumel’s deepest and most challenging sites.