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The Steps

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The Steps is one of the most interesting dive sites in Canary Islands' Tenerife due to the local topography. The Steps received its name due to the underwater blocks of basalt which volcanic eruptions have molded into the form of steps.

The depth at this dive site goes from 5 meters to 20 meters, which makes it a great choice for the novice divers as well. The swimthroughs here make for a captivating dive which can easily charm even the more advanced divers.

The marine life at The Steps includes trumpetfish, shoals of roncadores, soft and black corals on the basalt blocks. Lucky divers can sometimes encounter here tunas and dolphins.

Informations sur le site de plongée fournies par Ian Stevenson le mai 9, 2019
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Atlantic Divers

juin 12, 2018
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