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Snake Bay

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Located at the southeast end of Boka Sint Michiel, Snake Bay is one of the most beautiful dive sites in Curacao. Although the name is a bit misleading, as you won’t see snakes but various types of eels, you won’t be disappointed with the marine life. This is a very popular site, but despite the crowds, it manages to remain in very good condition.

The drop-off begins at around 9 meters/30 feet and descends to 40 meters/130 feet, which makes it a good spot for divers of all levels of experience.

Dolphins, creole wrasses, southern rays, jacks, chromies, blue tangs, sea slugs and – of course – eels can be spotted here. On occasions, tuna, tarpon, and green sea turtles can also be seen. The reef is full of mushroom-shaped formations of star corals, tube sponges, and stove-pipe sponges.

If you visit in September or October, you may be lucky enough to observe the spawning of coral. This takes place only twice a year, during which the corals release their eggs, a phenomenon that resembles an underwater snowstorm. If you can, definitely consider visiting during this period of the year. Otherwise, scuba diving in Curacao can be done year-round, with typically good diving conditions throughout all seasons.

Informations sur le site de plongée fournies par Agata Z. le mars 6, 2020
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Jérôme Remy

nov. 1, 2021
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Greg Dietz

août 10, 2009
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