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Los Champiñones

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Los Champiñones is a wonderful and interesting dive site which is suitable to both the novice divers and the more experienced ones, as its depth goes from 13 to 35 meters.

Divers can reach this spot by boat.

The water temperature is around 20 degrees, which makes it a great and pleasant temperature.

Usually done as a drift dive, due to the mild current present here, Los Champiñones received its name from the interesting topography which can be found here, with volcanic rocks that resemble the shape of mushrooms to numerous swimthroughs and overhangs.

Moray eels, reef fish, barracudas, octopus and triggerfish are just some of the residents at Los Champiñones.

Informations sur le site de plongée fournies par Fatima Andersen le mai 21, 2019
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