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Kimud Shoal

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Kimud Shoal is a sunken island with its top located at a depth of about 16 meters/52 feet but its base drop to over 200 meters. on the east side, there are some interesting rock formations and overhangs.

The average dive depth here is 45 meters/148 feet, which makes this an advanced dive suitable for the experienced.

What makes Kimud Shoal such an amazing site is the school of hundreds of hammerheads that are seen regularly between December and May, although it is still possible to spot them throughout the year.

Thresher sharks, manta rays, devil rays, sea turtles, moray eels, tuna, various species of shrimps and nudibranchs as well as a variety of hard and soft corals can also be seen here.

Informations sur le site de plongée fournies par Randy James le mars 5, 2021
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