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Halik And Deep Halik

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This dive site can perfectly cater to both the novice and the advanced divers, as it starts at a depth of 4 meters and can go beyond 30, even 35 meters. For the advanced divers it is a splendid drift dive, as the current is usually medium and therefore doesn't consume as much energy.

Halik features both soft and hard corals, sea fans, which are home to runners, whitetip reef sharks, triggerfish, clownfish, moray eels, Napoleon wrasse, scorpionfish, octopus, lionfish, cuttlefish, anthias, parrotfish, sweetlips, trevallies.

Informations sur le site de plongée fournies par Paula Lynndt le mars 6, 2019
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Avatar Michael C. Siagian's

Michael C. Siagian

avr. 23, 2022
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Michael C. Siagian

avr. 19, 2022
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Michael C. Siagian

avr. 16, 2022
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Michael C. Siagian

avr. 13, 2022
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Michael C. Siagian

mars 27, 2022
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Michael C. Siagian

mars 26, 2022
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Honza Zapletal

mai 27, 2020
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Kuba Kozak

oct. 2, 2019
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