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Black Beach

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Black Beach off Puerto del Carmen, Lanzarote, is a popular dive site with a small wall and lots of fish life. The spot got its name because of the nearby black-sand beach. When the tides and currents are favorable, you can drift dive along the wall. There’s also plenty of overhangs and rock structures worth exploring by both beginners and advanced divers.

Marine life is abundant and includes interesting creatures like angel sharks, octopus, rays, cuttlefish, groupers, barracudas, seahorses, nudibranchs, and more.

The entry point can also take you to the Blue Hole swim-through that features more overhangs and small caves to explore.

Informations sur le site de plongée fournies par Karen James le juil. 3, 2020
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Dennis Rabeling

juin 12, 2018
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