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Al Jazeera Diving &Amp; Swimming Center

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Al Jazeera Diving & Swimming Center began operation in 1997 as a private institute promoting recreational diving sports in Ras Al khaimah. Now a days, Al Jazeera Diving & Swimming Center is known as PADI dive resort catering individuals by developing their Diving, Swimming skills, and leadership skills especially in recreational underwater sports.
Al Jazeera Diving & Swimming Center was proudly received the PADI Certificate last 2012 as one of the PADI dive resort in UAE and first PADI dive resort in Ras Al Khaimah as dedication for a diver safety, standard education, and environmental conservation. A first PADI Dive Resort in the entire of Ras alkhaimah UAE. The membership recognized as highest standards of diving education, staff training, safety, quality equipment and dive services, and denotes a quality control assurance to divers worldwide. In addition, Al Jazeera Diving & Swimming Center is now selling Diving equipment & Diving accessories, offered Swimming Courses, Rental equipmetns, Diving Trips, Fishing Trips Air Refelling & many more.