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Durée de la plongée
15 minutes
Pression du réservoir
The Yumni Dive Site is located in near Yumni Island, Padaido Waters. The landscape feature of this dive site is a slope with a dive depth of 20-30 meters. Visibility in the water is quite good but found a little current approaching the surface of the water.
At this dive site, the coral reefs found are very diverse, and many types of schooling reef fish are also found. You can find some typical marine biota such as napoleon fish, manta ray, white tip shark, to lobster, also found various types of coral reefs such as demospongiae, massive corals, sea lily, as well as many large-sized table corals and other diverse types of coral reefs.
It is recommended at this dive site to take into account the weather factor because the waves are quite large when the weather is windy, which can cause some discomfort on the boat and for snorkeling if you are not used to it.