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Marine Life
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Yatush is a wreck which was purposely sank in the middle of the 1980s to create a dive site. Before it was sank it served as a patrol cruiser in Vietnam.

Yatush lies at the depth of 30 meters, at the end of a steep sandy slope, and its stern is at around 25 meters deep, therefore being suitable only for the advanced divers. Furthermore, the dive site occasionally experiences strong currents.

There are also some coral formations at 12 meters deep and at 18 meters deep.

The visibility at Yatush is usually good, and divers can observe wrasse, parrotfish, anthias, moray eels, lionfish and garden eels.

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1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados

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may 23, 2023
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Petr Komínek

ene 20, 2020
Marine Life 3 image

Petr Komínek

mar 4, 2019
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Yosi Gerasi

nov 14, 2018
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Ilan Ben Tov

mar 18, 2018
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