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Marine Life
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Vassilios T Wreck

Punto de inmersión en

Vassilios T. is a well-preserved wreck located off Vis Island, Croatia. In 1939, the 105-meter-long steamer loaded with coal was swept by strong winds on its way to Venice. Officially, it hit some rocks and sank off the western side of the island, but rumor has it that the crew sank the ship on purpose to receive compensation from the insurance company.

Today, it sits almost intact on its port side at 22 to 55 meters/72-180 feet, accessible to advanced/technical divers. Good visibility.

Marine life consists of the usual inhabitants of the area: damselfish, scorpionfish, amberjacks, moray eels, conger eels, octopus, pinna nobilis, among others.

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Standa Slaby

oct 5, 2020
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oct 4, 2020
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oct 2, 2020
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Stefan Radenkovic

jul 16, 2019
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sept 3, 2018
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sept 6, 2017
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