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Um El Faroud

Punto de inmersión en

Um El Faroud is one of the best wreck dive sites in Malta, but it also has one of the saddest stories. In 1995 the ship went through a gas explosion which claimed nine lives (these workers currently have their names inscribed on a metal plate which was put on the wreck). After the damage was deemed beyond repair, Um El Faroud was scuttled in 1998 and turned into an artificial reef.

Um El Faroud lies 200 meters away from the shore and the access is done by boat. The wreck lies at 34 meters deep, which makes it suitable only for the experienced and advanced divers. Also, the wreck can be penetrated, but this should be done only by divers who have proper training.

The marine life at Um El Faroud includes schools of fish, octopus, moray eels, nudibranchs, amberjacks and barracudas.

The visibility at this wreck is excellent, and therefore enthusiasts of underwater photography will enjoy many opportunities to take memorable pictures.

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1 Encuentros registrados
1 Encuentros registrados

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Comentarios, fotos y especies

Karl Bowles

jul. 27, 2023
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Karl Bowles

jul. 26, 2023
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Avatar de Minas Roukas's

Minas Roukas

may. 25, 2022
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Avatar de Minas Roukas's

Minas Roukas

may. 23, 2022
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Avatar de Minas Roukas's

Minas Roukas

may. 23, 2022
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Avatar de Stefan Radenkovic's

Stefan Radenkovic

sept. 4, 2019
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Avatar de Maciej Kwiatkowski's

Maciej Kwiatkowski

sept. 22, 2015
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