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Tulamben Bay And Wall

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The large wall of Tulamben, fittingly called Drop Off, is one of the most popular dive sites in Bali. The reef descends from 3 metres down to 70 metres deep; the sheer wall was created by the lava flow from the eruption of Mount Agung in 1963. 

This wall is covered by a great number of corals, gorgonians, and sponges. The topography of the site is incredible thanks to its sheer underwater cliffs, where you can encounter “cleaning stations”, as well as a multitude of enormous, vibrantly colored sponges and gorgonians. The dive continues to an undulating plateau of coral where you can find morays, mantis shrimp, and varieties of pipefish hiding in the crevices.


  • Type of dive: Wall, PADI course, deep, photography, biology, snorkeling
  • Depth: 5 -60 metres
  • Certification level required: Certified diver (Open Water Diver or equivalent)
  • Visibility: 15- 30 metres
  • Current: None to moderate
  • Access: From shore
  • Temperature: 26 - 30⁰ C
  • Flora and fauna: Nudibranch, giant moray, snowflake moray, grouper, lion fish, triggerfish, humphead parrotfish, leaf scorpion fish, stone fish, pipefish, pufferfish, hard and soft corals
  • Best time of year: All year
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Attila Gönczi

oct. 11, 2015
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